Sunday, May 31, 2020

Gladiatorial Catharsis

We're all in this struggle together
Cry out and demand justice
Black lives matter more than white feelings

It wasn't the black thugs who killed the white store-owner
It was the loss of blood
Y'all with me?

It wasn't the vandals who broke the glass of that storefront
It was the bricks and benches
Y'all with me?

It wasn't the white punk with the mask who set that shop on fire
It was the lighter and lighter fluid
Y'all with me?

We're all in this struggle together
Cry out and demand justice
Black lives matter more than white feelings

It wasn't the crowd's fault that corner stores and shopping centers were looted
It was society's fault for not providing enough justice
Y'all with me?

We're all in this struggle together
Cry out and demand justice
Black lives matter more than white feelings

It wasn't white Antifa anarchists who spray-painted those buildings
It was the radical alt-right
Y'all with me?

It wasn't an unruly riot, of burning and bashing and destroying
It was mostly a protest
Y'all with me?

It wasn't the cop that killed the black guy
It was his own lungs that stopped working
Y'all with me?

We're all in this psyop together
Cry out and demand justice
Black lives matter more than white feelings

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Description

Infanticide remains the most contested political issue in American life. Poll results have remained surprisingly constant over the years, with roughly equal numbers supporting and opposing it. A common perception is that infanticide is contrary to Christian teaching and values. While some have challenged that perception, few have attempted a comprehensive critique and constructive counterargument on Christian ethical and theological grounds. Margaret Kamitsuka begins with a careful examination of the church’s biblical and historical record, refuting the assumption that Christianity has always condemned infanticide or that it considered personhood as beginning at the moment of conception. She then offers carefully crafted ethical arguments about the pregnant woman’s authority to make reproductive decisions and builds a theological rationale for seeing infanticide as something other than a sin.

There, I adjusted one word. Now the description is intellectually honest.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Satan

we trusted You
because You trusted in You
the You who is what You is
journalists then sold Your trust in You
universities with research grants sold it too
then doctors everywhere shifted
from whispers to screaming from hilltops
for it to be sold
experts and professionals of all kinds now sell it
like a super shammy at their State fair
and we all bought it
as seen on tv
we donated to Your cause
to receive divine blessing
to wipe out the curse
You offered the new creation we needed
nothing would go wrong
because Your gospel was announced
Your savior was going to tabernacle among us
in our flesh
in our bones
under our skin
on our phones

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Path Taken

Two paths converged in a progressive neighborhood
And I am not sorry about the one I chose
And yes I saw them wearing masks while drifting on
Yet veer a half-dozen steps over, I could not
To the place of traffic refusing to distance

I will be saying this to those who jest and jeer
Some place, aions and aions past the horizon
Two paths converged in a great neighborhood, and I—
I walked across the one most frequently ignored, 
or disregarded as irrelevant to most,
And that has made all the difference in the world. 

-Bobby Lee Verglas, "The Path Taken"


I remember the day
You responded to the damning evidence
Her story has a lot of holes in it, you said
You've heard both sides, I presume
Your gut tells you someone's lying
Yet less than five minutes passed
And all you offered was an opinion piece
dedicated to the god of Progress,
his mistress, Phobia
and their illegitimate offspring,
Science, Data, and Studies
Surely there is a conspiracy
I can feel your worried tone
And that conspiracy must include me
It could not possibly be among the Priests of culture
who risk to lose millions and billions
and trillions to deviancy

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The New Normal

Approach with the fear of God
with faith and with love
this wall preventing entry
with hinge and bolt and knob

Unleash your new antimicrobial key
with the added bonus of touchscreen capability
Use it to enter your pin and turn the handle
for entry into the sanctuary

Once inside be very mindful
Your surroundings have been treated
Only certain items may be touched
Expect this to be the new normal

Follow the arrows on the floor
Sit down only where it's marked for your safety
In order to sing praise to your God
Bring your own mask or buy one for a dollar

Stand or sit with at least six feet of distance
and do not bow beyond that threshold of masking tape
Everything now is about probability
Science and U.S. Intelligence confirm this

Thus says your Lord and God
If you love Me you will keep these commandments
And according to this new covenant
If you love your neighbor, you'll also wear a mask outside

If you're afraid to go out, as you should be
Know that you're safer at home
And when you stay home, be sure to report
those who violate quarantine

Implore your neighbor to trust that experts all agree
Netflix heroes and takeout superstars
must take shots in the arm for the team
So we all can save lives by corporate unity

Love each other in these ways, and so fulfill the Law
of Orthodoxy in this brave new world
anointed by its Trinity
Big Brother, Tech, and Holy Pharma

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Infected

Whether infected
or healthy
neither matters
What matters is that you follow the guidelines

Cough and sneeze
Send those droplets
containing the virus
into the air

The healthy ones breathe in
the infected droplets
or they touch a surface
with them on it

No one should assume they’re safe anymore
No one should presume they’re not infected
Symptoms don’t matter
Everyone is guilty until proven innocent

This scary, deadly virus can live 
for hours to days
and possibly weeks
on surfaces, and possibly in the air

Our public health experts have been clear
many times, publicly
about it possibly being too soon to reopen
if the guideline framework they have worked out is not followed

We should not jump over the various checkpoints
and prematurely open up
without having the capability of being able to respond
effectively and efficiently

Our concern should be 
that we will start to see little spikes
that might possibly turn into outbreaks
The consequences could be really serious

We must have an appropriate pace
that is commensurate with the dynamics of the outbreak
When an area pulls back on mitigation
we will see some cases appear

It’s the ability and capability
of responding to those cases
with good identification, isolation, and contact tracing
that will determine whether we can go forward as we try to reopen

It’s not only doing it at the appropriate time
with the appropriate constraints
but having in place the capability of responding
when the inevitable return of infections occur

Researchers still have a lot to learn about this new virus
You’re probably more likely to catch it 
from being around someone who might possibly have it 
than from touching contaminated surfaces

Buy a Dr Fauci Bobblehead to support the fight against Coronavirus

Sizan visited America (a very short story)

There once was a son who lived in a very poor home with unclean water, making everyone sick.
The father loved his son greatly, and cared about the health of others, so he sent his son to America to become great and help others.

Sizan visited America.
Everything in America was new to Sizan.

Most of the people were friendly to Sizan.
Sizan then thought, ‘I like these people! I want to help them!’

So Sizan created a plan to help everyone.
Sizan started helping by building trust among all people.

At that time, the world was suffering because of disease.
Sizan knew that people could not survive without help.

Sizan gave lots of people lots of money, power, and honor.
Sizan invested in people because people needed the help.

Sizan developed teams around the world to trace all people with disease.
For many years, Sizan tried to help, but some people mocked and hated Sizan for the help.

Thankfully, most Americans searched for the truth about Sizan.
At first, everywhere they Googled, YouTubed, and FaceBooked, they received mixed messages about Sizan.

Over time, Sizan invested in research to find a cure that was infecting everyone, and the people started to learn that there is a lot more good than bad to Sizan.
The remedy discovered by Sizan was called Semmelweis Reflex, which was very effective in treating cases of short term memory and cognitive dissonance where new information suggested that established practices were harming public health. 

Eventually, the fake news about Sizan was under control and nearly eradicated.
After that time, no matter where people searched, the people of the world found plenty of good reasons to believe the greatness of Sizan, which made Sizan very happy.

Sizan admitted that some mistakes were made, and there were some significant regrets, but Sizan learned from them all.
Sizan spent more than fifty billion dollars—tax free—to eradicate disease from the world.

Sizan eventually retired, and the gods blessed Sizan with greatness because of the great loyalty of Sizan to them.
Sizan retired in a forty three million dollar home near San Diego—one of many homes that the gods provided for Sizan.

That great city was named after the great Franciscan saint, Diego de san Nicolas.
He served among the newly conquered Canary Islands.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Cognitive Dissonance

Good morning. In the next few days Americans will die of this novel virus, and those deaths will likely eclipse the total combined amount of deaths in the Korean, Vietnam, Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq wars.

If you think that’s big, you should pay attention to how many deaths and life-destroying injuries are caused by vaccines. Oh, and don’t forget that Planned Parenthood murders thousands of infants every year, too, FAR beyond covid-19 deaths.

None of this is true. “Abortion” has nothing to do with “infants”. Vaccines save millions of lives every year, as we don’t lose children and adults to diseases like polio or the measles anymore. You might want to stay away from conspiracy theory websites.

Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you seriously resting your entire response on semantics? 
My point doesn't depend upon using an apolitically correct term one time. 
To your point: If “abortion”, i.e. the termination of a human pregnancy, has “nothing” to do with infants, then why are they killed inside the womb before expulsion? 
Were the children in the womb not human or alive?

They weren't "children" at all. You are attempting to change the meaning of words to fraudulently strengthen your statement and pull on heart strings. That is dishonest.

I’m the one being “dishonest”? 
I agree with all of medical and scientific literature: children, infants, and fetuses are fully human beings. 
So at what point do you advocate homicide (i.e. the killing of another human being)? 
Inside the womb it’s okay, but outside it’s not?

You are being dishonest. Fetuses aren't infants as you claimed them to be. And, no one should be forced to give up the use of their body against their will. Having sex does not create a contractual agreement to carry a fetus to term.

It doesn’t seem to me that you care enough about the human-being being murdered inside the mother’s womb. So far, you haven’t answered my other questions.

I don’t advocate the killing of anyone at any time. But, I don’t think that anyone should be forced to give up the use of their body against their will so that another can survive. "Infants", by definition, cannot be killed in the womb. Fetuses are not infants. Your statement was false. And, no human being should be forced to give up the use of their bodies against their will. Abortion is sad, but the right for women to control their reproduction is vital. 

Again, you’re playing Semantics. 
Are fetuses human? 
Are they human beings who are alive before being aborted? 
I’m glad to see that you agree with me, that the human being in the womb should not be forced to give up the use of his/her body against his/her will.

You must have reading comprehension issues. No one should be forced to give up the use of their body to ANOTHER against their will. Women shouldn't be forced to carry fetuses to term against their will.

Should any female human fetus’ body be forced against its will to give up the use of its body and die?
Honest question. 
Is that justified because the mother is killing the daughter inside her body?

Your question is nonsensical. My point is simple. People shouldn't be forced against their will to give up the use of their body to keep another alive. Should we be forced to give up organs to save others?

I find it interesting that I’m being accused of toying with the meaning of words, yet you have changed the meaning of abortion, i.e. the killing of a human being inside its mothers womb, to mean: being forced to give up the use of ones body to keep another person alive. That’s sad.

I'm not changing the meaning at all. I fully understand and agree that a byproduct of aborting a pregnancy is the death of the fetus. But, when you force a woman to carry a fetus to term against her will you are forcing that woman to give up the use of her body against her will.

Wow. Now the murder of an innocent human being in its mothers womb is being described as the “byproduct” of abortion. 
How convenient. 
So is it okay to murder a fully BIRTHED child outside its mothers womb if that, too, is a “byproduct” of some procedure chosen by its mother?

Obviously not, as once the baby is born, it is no longer necessary for it to use the mother's body against her will. She can give it up for adoption.

Why is it “obviously” not okay once the baby is born, but it’s okay if the baby is not yet born? 
We are both talking about a HUMAN baby, correct? 
Why can’t the mother NOT kill her baby in the womb, give birth, and then give it up for adoption?

A woman should not be forced to give up the use of her body against her will. Once the baby is born, that is no longer at issue. If we force women to carry fetuses to term why not force people to donate organs to save lives? Because it is a violation of our constitutional rights.


Good morning. In the next few days Americans will die of this novel virus, and those deaths will likely eclipse the total combined amount of deaths in the Korean, Vietnam, Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq wars.

If you think that’s big, you should pay attention to how many deaths and life-destroying injuries are caused by vaccines. Oh, and don’t forget that Planned Parenthood murders thousands of infants every year, too, FAR beyond covid-19 deaths.

None of this is true. “Abortion” has nothing to do with “infants”. Vaccines save millions of lives every year, as we don’t lose children and adults to diseases like polio or the measles anymore. You might want to stay away from conspiracy theory websites.

Vaccines SAVE lives? 
I don’t think you have looked into that subject very deep. 
Did Gardisil SAVE lives?

Vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives. Polio alone used to kill 1 in 4 children. Measles used to kill close to that amount. Vaccines have almost completely itradicated them. Just as with all medicines, there are risks, but the benefits far outweigh those risks.

I believe I offered resources first. So how about you do better than a quick google search to cofirm your bias, and actually watch the video I linked to and read the book I attached.

I have researched the subject. There is overwhelming evidence that vaccines are effective and save lives.

Well then, you shouldn’t have any problem writing a detailed review and rebuttal of the resources I already provided (above)

Laugh all you want, but an overwhelming majority of experts in preventable diseases agree with me. You are part of a fringe group that believes in an unfounded conspiracy.

Since others seem to like this post, they should look into the hundreds of peer reviewed medical literature about vaccine safety. Be informed with real science, not reactionary, blind faith: Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers 

The person who wrote that book isn't a doctor and is the director of an anti vaccine book. It's not peer reviewed work at all. It's him manipulating the data of who knows what studies.

I think it’s hilariously obvious that you have not read the book. 
It contains HUNDREDS of peer reviewed studies cited in it. 
“It’s not peer reviewed at all”, said the idiot who wiki searched other idiotic opinion-blogs instead of reading the actual book.

His book analyzes released studies. His own analysis is not peer reviewed and the book was released to horrible reviews by the scientific community.

Why don't you just admit you're a shill for the anti-vaccine movement? There's not one legit scientist out there saying "look, maybe we need to reanalyze vaccine risks." Not one. You're making shit up to push conspiracy theories and authors who make money off the anti-vaxx movement.

I’m a shill? 
Are you serious? 
I personally know CHILDREN who are vaccine injured 
I personally know adults who are vaccine injured 
I personally know three children who have DIED from vaccines
Do you have anything more to offer than insensitive and naively canned accusations? 
Watch this video and try to HONESTLY accuse all these VICTIMS of being “shills”

Fortunately for us all, you have very few followers and very few interactions with real accounts.

Also, fortunately, I’m not a shill. I just care about others who are vaccine injured, and I care about real vaccine data, and real interactions with people who have been injured by vaccines, and I know others personally who are vaccine injured and/or have died from vaccines.

Almost all made up horseshit with a few coincidences. You're completely full of shit, yes. You are a shill. You share videos by people who take advantage of people. You're the second worst kind of human. The worst are the makers of this videos. Then there's you, pushing their lies.

You cannot possibly be serious?  
I have not met many people as insensitive and conceited and myopic as you right now. 
If you watch the video I linked above, you’d have to be completely heartless to accuse the people who share this as “shills”!

They're not shills, they've been taken advantage of. You're a shill. The maker of that video - shill. Worse, you spread this shit. You're literally just a fake news dump to the world. 

What is wrong with you? 
I don’t have the slightest idea why you have made a point of throwing bogus accusations like “shill” at strangers like me. 
It’s really childish and unnecessary.

Vaxxed are movies by Andrew Wakefield. He's a known liar for the anti-vaxx movement. He is a discredited scientist. You're just a pusher for stupidity.

I get the feeling that the most you know is from google searches and blogs that confirm your biases.  If you’re truly interested in Andrew Wakefield and whether you’re just blindly following the mantras of others, watch this film:

I'm not going to watch videos that defend a man that lied, then built a career on that lie. Or did you not know that he had corporations ready to profit off his research that he owned? I'm not interested in anything you have to say at this point. You’re discredited yourself.

How do you know the film defends Andrew Wakefield if you haven’t watched it?
And how do you know he lied, instead of others lying about him? 
You’d have to watch the film to even comment.
I can’t think of anyone with such an arrogant confirmation bias as yourself.

What I said is completely true and provable by the fact you are posting clips from Andrew Wakefield movies.

Actually, the three video clips I shared are, as far as I know, not produced by Wakefield. 
The first two were from the sequel to Wakefield’s one and only film. 
And the third was produced and directed by an independent studio. 
Adding to that, have you even seen Wakefield’s actual film?

He’s literally a snake oil salesman and you are literally a moron for believing him. There's a half dozen books written before him that tried the same thing. All wildly misrepresenting the studies inside. 
Andrew Wakefield basically abused the children in his study as well. He's an unethical piece of shit and you're a moron who follows his successors blindly.

I cannot fathom how childish and incoherent your remarks are. Please cite these books you’re thinking of, so I can study them also.

No. You can Google your favorite author and see all the other books with similar goals that wildly misreport and misrepresent actual science. I'm done with you. You associate with the scummiest snake oil shit in America right now while misrepresenting real science.

How convenient. 1st you accuse me of being a “shill” with zero evidence. 
Then you claim to personally know a “half dozen” books that are somehow relevant to discrediting what I have shared so far. 
But as soon as I ask you what some of those books are, you name-call and evade.

These damn anti-vaccine people need to go to a 100+ year old graveyard and look at all the headstones of children that didn’t make it to the age of 3. Maybe that will help set it right in their minds how well vaccines work.

Tell that to the parents of children who are severely injured or died from vaccines:

So your anecdotal "stories" should outweigh decades of scientific studies and actual evidence?

*My* anecdotal stories? 
“Decades” of “scientific” studies? 
Do you just regurgitate mainstream pablum? 
You sure don’t seem well researched in either anecdotes or scientific studies.

Most every article written by virologist and immunologist’s ever done agree with me. I trust them far more than some rando on twitter. But hey you do you and maybe your children won’t sue you when they get old enough to know what potential pain you put them through.

They agree with *you*?  

*You* must be someone special.