I collect data which simpletons call facts
I make observations blinded by traditions
I pose questions about questions that deflect
I develop arguments uncomfortable to mine
I offer suggestions others call speculations
I have no evangelistic spirit
No mission below
No great commission from above
To advise others
To believe or not
Or even what to believe
As long as one believes
That belief is faith in trust that’s loyal
To the faith entrusted to those who believe
My humor is dry
I’m also not an enthusiastic tribalist
Geeked-out in defense of absolute truth
Nor am I a belligerent book burner
Or full-fledged misanthrope
I’m just heterodoxically dull
I neither assail Temple Mounts
Nor man apologetical barricades
I’m content
As an embedded intelligencer
Offering provisional judgments
Of guilded dogmas
Hoping to raise issues
Others might find worthwhile pursuing
You have been forewarned
You, with materialistic epistocracy
You, with dogmatic goggles of ideology
You, with your reductionistic bag
Of tricks, anomalies and absurdities
Explanations for every thing and why
All you who begin to listen to alternatives
Will conclude with the same
Commitments held before
Multiple limitations will become excuses
Emotions will rule in moments of disagreement
Your adversary must be aloof
To religious sensitivities
Historical complexities
Philosophical densities
Or theological tectonicities
Because you don’t actually long for the truth
In the way a drowning man struggles
For a breath of continued being
You’ll remain like those on powdered sugar
Beaches of sunny panhandles
What you really want is a way to escape
Yet remain comfortable and safe
Synonyms for justification
Of what you already trust