Of course I believe it's true
Don't you?
Of course not
Only an idiot could believe that
Frogs don't become princes you know
Never in a million years could all that be possible
Archeologists all agree
Every biology textbook is clear
Just ask your friendly neighborhood geologist
They'll tell you
Frogs don't become princes
Never in a million years
But what about The Book?
What about it?
It's His. And He says it's true.
No, it doesn't say that. And it's not "His".
Yes. It is.
No, it is most certainly not "His"
You've been brainwashed to think that
Religious people invented the "Book"
They chose it to suit their imaginary theodicy
They just wanted to overpower the weak and vulnerable
It's all a power struggle, that's all
That Book is just like every other book on earth: humanly crafted
You can't magically turn a human book into a Divine One
No matter what you call it
Frogs don't become princes
Not even in a billion years
But what about all the devout worshipers across the globe?
And all the miracles from above?
And all the apparitions?
And all the answered prayers?
Do you think they all believe in fairy tales?
Unfortunately, yes
But cheer up
Not everything is gloomy just because that One turned out to be a joke
We humans still get to craft our own destiny
For a long time there has been hope dawning at the end of another tunnel
The tides have turned considerably since those ancient myths of His became facts
The four rivers flow westward now, to where our seeds were planted and nurtured a century ago
All the trimming and grooming over here is finished
Faithful groundskeeping is all that's needed now
The trees are fully grown and bearing fruit each year
Pleasant to the sight of all, and good for food
Some now even say that its fruit is able to make one wise
The Mythicists even crafted a clever little ditty in that regard:
Despite tiny inconsistencies here and there'Rejoice all ye lands and do not look grimWith oodles of time on our sideAnd laws of Nature to guideMyriads of self-purposed mutations laterAnd with only One common ancestorFrogs actually did become princes and without any need for Him'
We no longer feel the need to challenge those who guard and keep our garden
Such ditties are kind of charming, actually
And it rhymes