I want
to honor
your life,
but I don't
know how
to say more
of joy?
I hear you, Isaiah
I understand your canned concerns
But I’m not sorry
And I never will be
I don’t care if you’re an actual prophet
Or just courageous like one
I simply will not pray for him, period
I won’t even pray for the man at your right hand
They’re both fools I’ve prayed for before
And I’m finished praying for fools who pray
And pray and pray, and pray and pray
And talk about praying
For others to be warm and filled
Along with blessings from above
For them to experience the love and light of Christ
And other ejaculatory buzzwords of spiritual direction
Fools pray when far more than praying can and should be done by them
Fools expect results by their prayers
They’re fools because of their many prayers
They’re fools because they expect God alone to act, even if its by inaction
Fools also baptize their prayers
With pietistic not-my-will’s but thy-will’s
And doxological refrains
In Jesus’ name
Meanwhile, rapists’ rape
And rape and rape
And never receive justice
But thank God there’s at least one fool out there praying for him by name
At first you dragged us
Against our will and into your life
Irresistibly impelling the I
We were humbled
Then you showered gifts
Washing us with precious promises
Of life, of good, of blessings to come, even protection from prey
We were inspired
So, we did as you commanded
Day after day, studying to preach and pray
Students on mission, on fire without a cage
We persevered
Life happened
Decades passed
We became as gods
Knowing good and evil
Knowing the difference
Between planting corn and strawberries
Curiosity piqued
In our quest of you
Analyzed and perused
Unexamined details sprouted like never before
It was as though, for once, we both reached an impasse
Then we each watched each other's tide
Encroach upon our iconic moat and sand castle
While each of us did nothing
What happened to the One who saved us?
Where did all the power and sovereignty go?
Will you not do for us what we cannot do for ourselves?
Why the silent treatment now?
Nothing but silence, casting doubt
In despair, questioning if you’d ever been there
In loneliness, orphaned and stranded
Why should we care?
A generation of wandering
Around this citadel of sand
And you would not coddle or swaddle us once more
Why not drag us, or woo us, or inspire us again?
Why jettison every word of promise?
Convince us to care, if you dare
Then the seed finally died
Children abandoned their fathers
Servants betrayed their masters
Fruitless branches pruned from the vine
Because juvenility reigned
Only a few learned to increase in likeness and sovereignty
Even fewer took control of this monergistic gift for all
To honor father and mother when they’re no longer needed
And trust this first synergistic word with promise
I prayed last night
It feels right to draw a line in the sand
I’m not sure if it’s wrong to never cross that line again
Even for artificial peace
In the moment it feels more wrong than right
Why should I care about him?
Because that’s what Jesus would supposedly do?
What if he’s a pharisee?
Should I pray for Saul to become Paul?
For forgiveness, because he doesn’t know what he’s doing?
Saul repented when confronted
He accepted change
And as far as forgiveness goes
It turns out that our Father did not forgive them all
Forty years were offered to repent
And become children again
He doesn’t have that many years left though
He knows he should do something
I prayed he would
Or, at least I think I did
Maybe I fell asleep
Before I got to that part
If he does do what is right
Does anyone even know what that would look like?
Profitable is the word I speak and worthy of acceptance
Let us now awake from our sleep, and lift up our hearts and hands toward God in heaven...
Let us observe the appointed time of the glorious bridegroom, so that we may enter with him into his bridal chamber
Let us prepare oil for our lamps, so that we may go forth to meet him with joy
Let us put away and cast from us all uncleanness, and put on wedding garments
Let us trade with the silver we have received, so that we may be called diligent servants
Let us be constant in prayer, so that we may pass beyond the place where fear dwells
Let us purify our heart from iniquity, so that we may see the Lofty One in his glory
Let us be merciful, as it is written, so that God may have mercy upon us
Let there be peace amongst us, so that we may be called brethren of Christ
Let us hunger for justice, so that we may be satisfied from the table of his kingdom
Let us be the salt of truth, so that we do not become food for the serpent
Let us sell our possessions, and buy for ourselves the pearl, so that we may be rich
Let us lay up our treasures in heaven, so that when we arrive we may open them and have pleasure in them
Let us honor the Spirit of Christ, so that we may receive grace from him
Let us be strangers to the world, as Christ was not of it
Let us be humble and meek, so that we may inherit the land of life
Let us be constant in his service, so that he may let us serve in the abode of the saints
Let us pray his prayer in purity, so that it may have access to the Lord of majesty
Let us be sharers in his suffering, so that we may also rise up in his resurrection
Let us bear his sign upon our bodies, so that we may be delivered from the wrath to come
-Aphrahat the Persian
What kind of person are you?
Why don’t you care enough to get involved?
All these people suffer
And my family suffers
We all suffer
But, for what—your glory?
Then comes the satiation
Of fingers or fists
Raised up high
Life together
At first so sweet
Turns into life separated
Without a choice
Or with a choice
To keep it that way
Since the other departed
Help from on high is then sent
To quote and comfort
From our lover’s book
All things work together for good
His ways are not our ways
You will never be tested
At least not beyond what you can endure
I’ve heard them all
I’ve even said many
Back when magic words were the only cure
Thus, when silence remains the only offering
And the only assurance one receives
Comes from incestuous prayers and esoteric incantations
That’s when it’s fair to ask new questions
About not loving or respecting the silent treatment
Or the inanity of his children
Prayer is an interesting exercise
One talks to the person in charge
And waits
To wake up
And discover the reality
That “He” listened
“He” stooped and heard my cry
“He” delivered me from the pit
“He” showed mercy to those who feared “Him”
But for those who are not chosen
Yet choose nonetheless
Like chicken soup or beef stew
And commit to entertaining the fantasy
Of a “He” who loves to listen
And has many things to say
But is mute
And struggles in popularity
With only one bestseller
“He” is merely the residue
The excuse
The guy up high who’s qualified
And highly recommended to fix existential leaks
Better than the guy down the street
“His” credentials cover heaven and earth
When they pray
They wake up to the same reality
As those who parrot proverbs
And wash in lamb’s blood
The only difference between them
Is gratitude for the exercise
To my children
with new names, but anointed once
There is a new temple being built
The first is an author of hope undiminished, set on reaching God
The second, an Athenian heroine with angelic self-control
The third, a fighter willing to part ways and yet offer only two ways
For my father
A familiar saying
Frequently misunderstood
With a quick search one finds
Love enduring imprisonment
Faith and reason overcoming injustice
In place of a stone
some find a prudent jailor
lighting gas with rigamarole
For my mother
A poem for a poet
with gems inside
Hiding the Spirit
of the first, second, and third
as the new Temple is built
I cried this morning
I changed the wallpaper, too, because of you
It's the perfect picture of the crazy I remember
with the glow of love for the Divine
All I could say in the moment was, 'I miss you.'
And thanks be to God that you can receive such greetings
whispered to angels
or those seated above them
I picture one of them saying, 'Go! Give this to her quickly.'
And at once each one darts off to run their own race
and eventually comes to your mansion
You sense the urgency,
and so, rush to the door
and listen intently
and respond gently
Go tell my son, 'I love you too.'
That's when I cried
and changed my wallpaper
to the perfect picture of crazy love for the Divine
What is a dative
That was his quiz
Drilling, jabbing, spitting pride
Supposedly to prove a point
An imaginary point, too
Something to do with the sign of the cross
But most likely to convince his opponent
He knows better than everyone in the room
While he sits on his couch
Next to his doormat
And doting disciple
The unholy trinity
Of He, Helpmeet, and ὕβρις
I wish there was an easy way to say this, but John was right about the jailor.
Tireless propaganda tames all but the few whose faith is whole.
I remember you well. I don’t remember everything,
but what I remember from back then is the same I heard today.
You are hurt. Nobody responds to your stupid texts.
Nobody calls you, or checks in, or pays you a visit, or invites you over.
Always deflecting. Always insulting. Always hearing but not listening.
Always gaslighting. Always the victim. Always the expert. Always the same.
Fifty-eight minutes is all it took to remember why your four distanced themselves.
In your eyes the four are Stewards. Milk does feed calves and dung does not.
Always reformed but never reforming, and trying to make them think.
That milk is the same sort of thing as sweat or dung.
One is always the soldier at war. One is always attacked. One is always justified.
That one is a horrible human being. Not horrible, as in wicked—
—horrible in the sense of pathetic, and mean, and hypocritical,
and self-aggrandizing, and argumentative, and petty, and embarrassing.
This is why your four don’t bother with you anymore.
Tireless propaganda tames all but the strong whose hearts they break.
I see your lines, circles, crescent moons and stars, all commenting on your new creation
Looking closely at each letter to learn what's in them for you
Of the holy one, the true one, you underline with dark blue ink as one who knew life itself
Vindicate them, you highlight, as one who appreciates the lord's faithfulness to his people
Every page is saturated with ball-pointed feelings of childlike curiosity and trust
You valued the cost of the crown of life more than the acceptance of this world
Over and over, and over again, a star marks wisdom for your own application
Unlike the one who abandoned his first love, you now shine like the son, having been faithful unto death
Seflak is such a strange name
the odd letter functioning like a grade
upon its academic work.
I see the CD in the Ugandan’s hand.
And I don’t know how critical I should be.
Will that, too, produce another failure?
One can only hope my restructuring in pdf will be read
not just downloaded and tucked away down F’s memory hole
as another box checked to boast and know it all
Perhaps when my publication is for sale
Seflak will start paying attention
and stop ignoring our differences
and adopt me as a Sealak
The adopted one speaks like her Papa. Always innocent until proven guilty. Always the victim. Always the humble and wise apologist, asking useless questions related to imaginary foundational gaps, accompanied with poor grammar and reasoning. Always tearing down strongholds made with privatized perception within the echo-chamber of Dr. Pops. Then come the dots...
As the Papa is predictably defensive and insecure, yet overly confident inasmuch as he overcompensates with ridiculous anecdotes of self-aggrandizements, so this newly adopted daughter is blinded by her own conceits. Blinded by his, too, they remain an embarrassment to all those who truly care about them. At least for now. Maybe it will remain forever. Maybe it won't. Then come the all-caps.
I certainly hope not. Just as I hope she learns, before it's too late, that she's not his daughter or covenant child, and he's not her father. Her actual father is not evil, as her Papa claims. The only way out of this mess she impetuously plunged into is to think for herself, and question big Papa's authority. That's what his real children did. They grew tired of playing his stupid games, which only won them stupid prizes. Then comes the position paper.
Jesus with long hair
Paul with crotchety everything
Both are blind and lead the blind
Like a circus
Around and around
Fleas could do better teamwork
Because the robotics could save them
Our maybe, just maybe
Jesus and Paul are the robots
Programmed like toasters
And tea kettles resting
On shelves of good will
Until some thrifter thinks a good idea
To invest in them just to throw them away
And make room for better junk on the shelf
I love your integrity
and balance
Not one day goes by when I don’t admire
your thoughtfulness and brilliance
I have a library
But you are the true intellectual between us
I think everyone around us notices the same
I study and write what is speculative and controversial
You study the concrete
You dwell upon the practical,
the efficient
I am a mere table of contents
You are the poem, the trilogy,
the biography, the book
with the best binding
I learn more from your book
and your teaching
than from all other sources taken together
You love life and are grateful for it
You don’t complain
Instead, you rejoice when it’s appropriate
You grieve for others
more than your own lot
You are the source of peace and contentment for others
for every moment between
You’re genuinely interesting, too
Being artistic and crafty just adds to what makes you so immensely intriguing
You’re also logical, but not annoyingly logical
You don’t boast in doing good
You just do good constantly,
thinking of others,
even with age appropriateness
You listen and consider
and learn and process
prior to slight adjustments to your own convictions
It is the wise choice—taking into account techniques, timing, planning, and outcome—that becomes worthy of your consideration
You choose well, and that often reflexively,
instead of choosing too much or too little as a habit
Like a plate full of garden varieties and delicacies, you always nibble with choice—rarely a mouthful,
never any stuffing of face
You save for later so you can savor later
A to-go box
is for a full plate
that you can foresee
being impossible to finish
I remain mesmerized that you listen,
not so you can weasel around words
to get your own thoughts in
but to hear and respect and work with others
And to make them feel heard
You even choose to not listen at the most considerate times,
in order to be more productive and fruitful
A gracious spirit is evident the whole while, too, each and every time
You work constantly
Your energy is as beautiful as you resting after a long day
When I peak at you while sleeping I think,
‘I can’t believe this one is mine.’
Adding to all of this, you’re sexy, fun, exquisitely modest, and positively incandescent
You are honest and clear in communication, and cute in your mannerisms
You are winsome and kind, careful and patient, generous and courageous, loyal and dignified, stable and trustworthy, resourceful and blissful
You are the most admiral person I have ever known—the sweetest, gentlest, most natural embodiment of maternity, femininity, and coadjutricity
You are the most valuable friend of my life
Thank you for everything you are
Thank you for everything you do
I lack nothing with you
I lack nothing because of you
I love you
Thank you for loving me