Profitable is the word I speak and worthy of acceptance
Let us now awake from our sleep, and lift up our hearts and hands toward God in heaven...
Let us observe the appointed time of the glorious bridegroom, so that we may enter with him into his bridal chamber
Let us prepare oil for our lamps, so that we may go forth to meet him with joy
Let us put away and cast from us all uncleanness, and put on wedding garments
Let us trade with the silver we have received, so that we may be called diligent servants
Let us be constant in prayer, so that we may pass beyond the place where fear dwells
Let us purify our heart from iniquity, so that we may see the Lofty One in his glory
Let us be merciful, as it is written, so that God may have mercy upon us
Let there be peace amongst us, so that we may be called brethren of Christ
Let us hunger for justice, so that we may be satisfied from the table of his kingdom
Let us be the salt of truth, so that we do not become food for the serpent
Let us sell our possessions, and buy for ourselves the pearl, so that we may be rich
Let us lay up our treasures in heaven, so that when we arrive we may open them and have pleasure in them
Let us honor the Spirit of Christ, so that we may receive grace from him
Let us be strangers to the world, as Christ was not of it
Let us be humble and meek, so that we may inherit the land of life
Let us be constant in his service, so that he may let us serve in the abode of the saints
Let us pray his prayer in purity, so that it may have access to the Lord of majesty
Let us be sharers in his suffering, so that we may also rise up in his resurrection
Let us bear his sign upon our bodies, so that we may be delivered from the wrath to come
-Aphrahat the Persian
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