As noted in a previous post, Matthew 13:53—14:13 comprises the first subsection of the distinctive
narrative section that extends from 13:53 to 17:27. This subsection is identified as section "A" in that post. (It is really only for mnemonic reasons that the literary structure of this narrative section is often presented as
extending from chapter 14 to chapter 17. A closer examination of Matthew’s gospel shows that this narrative section actually begins at the end of chapter 13, specifically verse 53, which notes the end of a lengthy discourse section:
“And when Jesus had finished these parables…”.)
(For quick reviewing purposes Matthew 13:53—14:13 can be found here.)
this section Jesus is found visiting his “hometown” for the first time since the
beginning of Matthew’s gospel, immediately after his baptism (2:23; 4:13). So far, Matthew has told us nothing about Jesus and his childhood relationship with the
people back home in Nazareth, but there is nonetheless much to be gleaned from
this encounter in chapter 13.
this point in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus is clearly honored enough in his hometown
to be teaching his Jewish brethren within “their synagogue.” But by the end of
this section Jesus is dishonored, and the reason why is because of his prophetic
authority. Matthew illustrates this in various ways.
instead of focusing upon his teaching in the synagogue, Matthew focuses on the
people being “astonished” (ἐκπλήσσεσθαι) by him. The
last time anyone Matthew records anyone as “astonished” (ἐκπλήσσεσθαι) is immediately after Jesus’ discourse
on the Law (i.e. Sermon on the Mount) at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry of
healing (7:28-29).
7:28-29, the people were astonished because Jesus was like Moses in his giving of the Law, except Jesus was giving the Law
in a way that was greater than the Pharisees, and teaching with more authority
than their scribes. However, at the end of chapter 13 the situation that Jesus
encounters in Nazareth is different. Instead of simply teaching greater things than
their scribes, Jesus is performing “mighty works” (δυνάμεις) which none of their
scribes could perform. These “mighty works” were, of course, nothing new to
Jesus’ ministry. He had been performing these works all along (11:20-23). Just
like Jesus’ earlier report of his ministry to John (11:5-6), the blind were
receiving sight, their lame walked, their lepers were cleansed, their deaf
heard, and their poor had the gospel preached to them. Yet unlike John’s
positive response to this news, the people of Nazareth were astonished because they
knew who Jesus’ family was—who his father, mother, and siblings were—but they did
not know from what source Jesus’ mighty works had come. Certainly they did not come
from his family or even from the teachers of Israel!
there was too much pressure for Jesus’ “hometown” to accept him as having
greater authority than anyone they knew—even their religious authorities—and
they were offended (ἐσκανδαλίζοντο) by
this. Like Jesus’ parable in the previous chapter, they received Jesus like the
“rocky ground” received the seed sown by the Sower. They received Jesus with
joy initially, yet because they had no “root” in them, they “fell away”
(σκανδαλίζεται; 13:20-21). These aren’t the only instances when Jesus spoke
about “falling away” or being “offended” (Greek: σκανδαλίζω). Earlier, Jesus
had told the disciples of John that those who are not “offended” or “caused to
fall” (σκανδαλισθῇ) by him are, in fact,
blessed by him (11:6). So in comparison, this portrait of
Jesus’ hometown is clearly not a
blessed one. Instead, Matthew’s portrayal of Nazareth is more like a
cursed “household” which refuses to honor its own family members who prophecy
on behalf of Yahweh (13:57). The fact that Jesus is hated as a prophet in the
same way that adulterous Israel hated the prophets of Yahweh—like Elijah, Elisha,
and Jeremiah—is significant. It’s also significant that this the first passage
within Matthew’s gospel that Jesus explicitly
likens himself to a “prophet” (13:57).
this label of “prophet” upon himself also makes perfect sense within the larger
context of John the Baptist’s death. After we learn that the people of Jesus’ hometown are
caused to fall by Jesus’ “mighty works” (δυνάμεις), Matthew segways onto a
brief discussion about Herod hearing rumors about Jesus’ ministry in Nazareth.
Apparently Herod heard about these same “miraculous powers” (δυνάμεις) that
Jesus had done in Nazareth and elsewhere (14:1-2). But Matthew doesn’t merely
tell us about Jesus’ fame reaching Herod; instead he focuses on something which
at first glance appears out-of-place and off-topic: he focuses on John the Baptist’s death and it’s relationship with
Herod’s wife, Herodias.
first glance, Matthew’s focus upon Herodias appears to be beside the main point
of Jesus’ ministry, but really it highlights Jesus’ place within this gospel, within Matthew's story of Jesus as Israel. Back in chapter 11, when Jesus told the disciples of John
about those who are blessed for not stumbling by his “mighty works,” we learned
that John was in prison anticipating the coming of the Messiah; but he was still alive then. Here in
chapter 14 we hear about John again, but we learn that John has been murdered
because Herod’s wife summoned John’s head to be served to her on a platter. Like
the Queen’s murderous plot against Elijah for prophesying against her “house,”
Herodias wants to destroy John for prophesying against her “house.” But Matthew’s
main point is not actually about John or Elijah. It’s still about Jesus, but by
recalling John the Baptist’s ministry, Jesus’ ministry is clearly likened unto
Elisha’s. It’s only when we find out that Herod thinks Jesus is John the Baptist—as though John was
raised from the dead—that we also can see Jesus is to be likened very closely
to Elijah and even more importantly, his successor, Elisha. (This typological
association is even more explicit by the time we arrive at 16:14.)
as the ministry of Elijah foreshadowed the ministry of Elisha, so the ministry
of John would foreshadow the ministry of Jesus. Like Elisha, Jesus would carry
the prophetic mantle of the prophet before him and perform more “mighty works.”
Indeed, throughout the following narrative section (i.e. chapters 14-17), the
mighty works of Jesus make far more sense in light of Jesus as a type of Elijah
and Elisha. Like Elijah before him, Jesus’ life is in danger from the King and
Queen; he then flees to a mountain, then to the wilderness, and then to a widow
in the region of Tyre and Sidon, like Elijah. Yet the parallels with Elisha,
his successor, are even more striking.
Elisha, who is the only explicitly “anointed” prophet of the Old Covenant,
Jesus is explicitly called the “Annointed One” by Peter (16:16 c.f. 1 Kings 19:16). Jesus also multiplies
loaves of bread for his disciples, which is like Elisha, who was the only
prophet in the Old Testament to do that particular miracle! Like Elisha, Jesus
crosses the waters connected with the Jordan and is met by a school of
disciples who “worship” him (Matt. 14:32; 2 Kings 2:14-15 LXX). When his
disciples are tormented by the waves surrounding them, Jesus tells them “do not
be afraid,” which is the same thing Elisha tells his disciples when they are
tormented by surrounding armies (2 Kings 6:15-17). As the Shunammite woman
prostrated herself before Elisha seeking help for her child, so the Canaanite
woman prostrates herself before Jesus, and for the same reason (15:25; c.f. 2 Kings 4:27).
an indirect manner, Jesus is also portrayed as a type of Elisha because of his
disciple, Peter.1 Peter is highlighted as a type of chief disciple, similar to
Gehazi, Elisha’s chief disciple. Like Gehazi with Elisha, Peter fails to
understand his master’s mission, and he foolishly sets himself up as an obstacle
between Jesus and other disciples. He is, in fact, the only disciple within the
gospels to be singled out as both a chief disciple and a man of “little faith” (14:31). In this light, the resemblance
between Peter and Gehazi is unmistakable.
and perhaps most significantly, Jesus is like Elisha in the way he forms a
community of disciples around him. Unlike Elijah, who, like John the Baptist,
attracted a lot of attention but not a lot of disciples to follow in his
footsteps, Jesus accomplishes the opposite. Jesus attracts most of his
disciples in chapters 14-17 of Matthew’s gospel. Like Elisha, Jesus ministers
throughout the land of Israel, gathering, nourishing, and sustaining a new
community of disciples in a time of great spiritual famine. But his ministry as the greater Elisha has only been alluded to briefly in this first subsection, when Jesus first hears news that Herod thinks he is the resurrected John the Baptist (14:1-3, 13). By his relationship with John's suffering as a prophet, Jesus suffering for the kingdom is foreshadowed, and by his relationship with Elisha's prophetic ministry, the rise of a new and greater Israel is anticipated.
1. Peter Leithart, Jesus as Israel: The Typological Structure of Matthew's Gospel, pp. 29-30