Showing posts with label Miscellanea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miscellanea. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2023

Love... for which to honor


Included are seven gifts I have to offer you. It is my hope that you will take the time to study and perhaps, even enjoy, these gifts for which to honor. Please accept them as they are intended.

But before I describe these gifts, there are a couple things you need to know. First, I wish to thank you for such a situation as that which brought about the much needed discussion of reconciliation. I am thankful that God hath raised up a brother willing to intercede for such a situation. 

Second, I know I am a sinner (if you really want to push that narrative unfairly), but if you truly understood how important I am, you need not remain antagonistic toward me. I don't expect your other brother to change his antagonism, ever since I delivered him over to SATAN for the destruction of the flesh so that his spirit may be saved in the Day of the Lord. As with Peter in Antioch, I withstood him to the face because he was to be blamed.

Here are the awesome gifts included, which I made for you to honor my awesomeness:

1. The new "proofed" LAW Catechism. It is not designed to replace any catechism already out there. Instead, this catechism is designed to be really "out there," surpassing even the catechism of Moses himself. It is a catechism demonstrating HOW Moses catechized the people of Israel to love the LAW of the LORD. Those that say otherwise, perhaps, need to study, at length, as I have, the standard within the Standard (Scripture). 

2. Position paper: Let no man think he is something when he is nothing, Part ONE - This exposes the deep, dark secrets of the Papacy and Islam working with Fauci to destroy Calvinism in America.

3. Position paper: The Bohemian Shuttle: "Pretext", Part TWO 

4. "US" - Part ONE - this is about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child back in the 90's.

5. Satan (AKA the Devil, Dragon, Serpent, Accuser, Angel of Light) did not write the LAW of God, Part TWO. - finishes the same with a hard-hitting conclusion.

6. Homeschools: Militias for mass Reformation - Parts ONE & TWO

7. The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women - by John Knox. Is about men with fire in their bosom.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

To my child

To my child,

On this date twenty years from now you will watch your Beloved travel from Manhattan to Gettysburg, starry eyed and filled with faith, hope, and joy. Her family's VHS tapes will finally be digitized. Here is what I want you to learn on that day. 

Learn the virtues from her. God knows you didn't learn them from us.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Let's make peace

It’s so simple what I ask for ….

Admit you grumble and complain

About that destructive lamb

that bleats incessantly

Standing in the corner

plugging his ears

Promise me you won’t 

do that around me

Although you made clear 

many times

That won’t be a problem

Admit you knew I wanted 

to play that role

And you overstepped your role 

in this team effort

You took the project over 

and pushed me away

Admit that you knew 

it was my role 

to reformat the prayers

Even though

You still have not 

prevented me at all

from doing so

And that really hurts my feelings 

because I really wanted to do that

Apologize and let me know 

you trust my leadership

that I don’t have 

which I imagine I do

Let me know you will follow 

my leadership

Can you do this 

unreasonable, irrational 

demand of mine?

I can’t be part of your rivalry 

with that strangled cat in the corner

Nor can I work with someone 

who does not respect my leadership

which is entirely illusory 

Can you understand that?

I’m the reasonable one; 

I’m the pious one, the lowest of all, 

with visions of perfect prayer

Your actions which I won't specify

in this chimera of mine 

Toward that pathetic creature and me 

are so hurtful to me

I cry benedictine tears 

of penthos

and you don’t care

Even though you’ve been very clear 

about caring justly 

and thinking clearly

To not think less of one's self

but to think rightly of one's self 

as true humility

This is not a healthy relationship 

We can make peace

It’s easy: let’s make peace

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, 

now and always, and forever and ever. Amen. 

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to you, O God.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to you, O God.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to you, O God.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, 

now and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday, February 13, 2021


People these days

    Will believe anything

        If enough propaganda 

    Is fed across media 

To foster public credibility        

    This is especially true

        Among those who consider

            Themselves enlightened

                 Or credentialed  

                    In any remotely  

                Related industry

            That utilizes

        All of their own



    All that actually matters

        Today is convincing public  

    Perception of investment  


    It doesn’t matter what

Is actually possible

    Science knows no boundaries

Outside of what its peers review

    So it’s most important

        For tech and science 

            Industries to market 

            And sell compelling philosophy

        As a product 

    Rather than actual

Tangible working products

    Religion sells more

    Ideas than it produces


    The world has been sold

        A new philosophy

            A new religion for less

                Than a hundred years

                    And yet it has grown 

                        An immensely lucrative behemoth

                            Of ‘private’ industries

                            Although largely publicly funded

                        That appeared successful

                    And have been identified

                As such over decades

            Due to marketing

        Strategies and investment

    Opportunities for multi 

Billion-dollar enterprises

    Although religion has been mocked

        And ridiculed over these

    Same decades of recent past

Religion has certainly not disappeared.     

    It has simply evolved according to its own self-fulfilling prophecy.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Path Taken

Two paths converged in a progressive neighborhood
And I am not sorry about the one I chose
And yes I saw them wearing masks while drifting on
Yet veer a half-dozen steps over, I could not
To the place of traffic refusing to distance

I will be saying this to those who jest and jeer
Some place, aions and aions past the horizon
Two paths converged in a great neighborhood, and I—
I walked across the one most frequently ignored, 
or disregarded as irrelevant to most,
And that has made all the difference in the world. 

-Bobby Lee Verglas, "The Path Taken"

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Tell me what you really think

There goes one more

. . . Who knows what they're thinking . . .

Drifting down the road

spokes twirling

pedals rotating

fifteen miles per hour

while wearing a stupid mask

Did you hear that?

. . . There goes another . . .

making a left turn

after a stop sign

blasting music so loud

that they can't hear a hole in their muffler

and the driver is wearing a stupid mask

And did you see that lady

on Instagram

selling crochet'd masks?

She might as well be wearing a sock

with holes and a coffee filter

over her stupid face

Oh, there goes another 

and another

and another

jogging, driving, biking

while wearing stupid masks

Wow, another blissful wanderer

walking their dog

down the sidewalk

pausing and veering 

to keep two yards away

from another idiot wearing a stupid mask

who also is walking their dog

which is wearing its own custom-made stupid mask

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Thousands of them crowd together
Most are not wearing masks or keeping at least six feet apart
In defiance of the Governor’s orders

Some people are carrying long guns to this “stay at home” protest
We know who’s hoarding all of the toilet paper

Covid-19 overwhelms hospitals
In overwhelmed hospitals, people die
You can save lives too. Please go home

I’m proud that in my state there was such a small turnout
I hope they all get sick and die

It truly feels like a gut punch moment where no matter what we do, there’s a minority
determined to make sure millions of people die

We are in the middle of a pandemic
These people disgust me

Your haircut is not more important than people’s lives
If you’re participating in these protests, you’re part of the problem

Lockdown effects me and my life, so I go to Madison to protest mean bad Evers
I’m a moron who should die

You know how they use helicopters to drop water on forest fires?
Trump said that bleach kills the virus, and this is way deadlier than a forest fire
I wish we could blast each of these fuck faces to the moon

It’s like a where’s waldo for idiots
Lots of MAGA, camo, and guns

Spot the trump impersonator
No social distancing. No masks
These people are absolutely nuts but whateves

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Umbrella Corporation and its Crowning Influence

There are many things that we don't know and have yet to discover
How long will this pandemic last?
Every one feels the test, and most know they'll survive; it's the elderly we don't want to put in harm's way
Yet their owners added a bandwidth between 24 and 28 gigahertz regardless of the harm

A lot more information can be carried on them
Radio waves will be supplemented with millimeter waves
Enabling data to be transmitted in larger amounts and faster speeds, with shorter lagging

Low latency enables near instantaneousness communication
Yellow buses won't need drivers for long
In less than ten years we will achieve the fourth industrial revolution prophesied back in 2017
No one can stop their plans to roll out more and more big tech & big pharma
Global economic output is banking on an estimate of at least 250 billion dollars more annually by 2025

That is only five years from now, and most won't receive education about it's health risks
Once the infrastructure is up and running, we won't be able to opt out

Ushering in a new era of computer-assisted living is the goal
Smart cities will be reaching into every living cell, containing every virus