People these days
Will believe anything
If enough propaganda
Is fed across media
To foster public credibility
This is especially true
Among those who consider
Themselves enlightened
Or credentialed
In any remotely
Related industry
That utilizes
All of their own
All that actually matters
Today is convincing public
Perception of investment
It doesn’t matter what
Is actually possible
Science knows no boundaries
Outside of what its peers review
So it’s most important
For tech and science
Industries to market
And sell compelling philosophy
As a product
Rather than actual
Tangible working products
Religion sells more
Ideas than it produces
The world has been sold
A new philosophy
A new religion for less
Than a hundred years
And yet it has grown
An immensely lucrative behemoth
Of ‘private’ industries
Although largely publicly funded
That appeared successful
And have been identified
As such over decades
Due to marketing
Strategies and investment
Opportunities for multi
Billion-dollar enterprises
Although religion has been mocked
And ridiculed over these
Same decades of recent past
Religion has certainly not disappeared.
It has simply evolved according to its own self-fulfilling prophecy.
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