Showing posts with label Epexegesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Epexegesis. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7, 2020


This one is obsessive
like the green beans of star dollars
charred so badly that its ashes
pioneer through mounds of cream and sugar
that would, quite dogmatically
never be added to any mug

Others are compulsive
so we're told, yet this one's a broken record 
of twanging strings and acts of reading
over and over and over
with words like bees hovering around my lobes
and forty messages a day to chug

The mantra of everyone else's disorder
is repeated again and again and again
and the leitmotif of calling, leading, and Jesus praying
blessing us with a loud voice rising early in the morning
refreshing each like continually dripping water
nipping every intrigued pant leg as a puppy dog

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Tell me what you really think

There goes one more

. . . Who knows what they're thinking . . .

Drifting down the road

spokes twirling

pedals rotating

fifteen miles per hour

while wearing a stupid mask

Did you hear that?

. . . There goes another . . .

making a left turn

after a stop sign

blasting music so loud

that they can't hear a hole in their muffler

and the driver is wearing a stupid mask

And did you see that lady

on Instagram

selling crochet'd masks?

She might as well be wearing a sock

with holes and a coffee filter

over her stupid face

Oh, there goes another 

and another

and another

jogging, driving, biking

while wearing stupid masks

Wow, another blissful wanderer

walking their dog

down the sidewalk

pausing and veering 

to keep two yards away

from another idiot wearing a stupid mask

who also is walking their dog

which is wearing its own custom-made stupid mask

The Theorist

                      Who can be trusted?

                                                                 And who exactly are "they"
                                                 behind the scenes,
                                                    planning and attending meetings,
                                                                                        writing the script?
                                      Why should I trust what "they" say,
                                                                                   whoever they were on Thursday?
                                    And what's the difference between what "they" say
                                                                                              and what "they" determine?

                             How does anyone know if such reported hearsay is true?

                                 And so what if they made one determination,
                                                                but are still investigating another?
             How can people not see this smoke over here and those mirrors over there?
                               And why are they using the generic term, "coronavirus," at this time?
                                    Isn't that the most unspecific and slippery description available?
                                          And isn't the flu, by classification, also the coronavirus?
                                                                                   How is that even meaningful?
                                                    And why should anyone trust
                                 a report about how it was not made or modified?

                                                Are these journalists so inept that they have overlooked

                                                                        who owns its patents?

                                                                    And what about all of the medical research,

                                                                                and the data about its modifications?
                                   Why does it matter if it came into contact with people
            through an accident at a Chinese lab?
                                 And why all that specific verbiage used to describe it?
Why report it as an accident?
                                                                                       And why is it, all of a sudden,
                                                             politically correct to shift public attention
                             and potential blame to the "Chinese lab"?
                     Why frame such speculation as though Trump was its primary source?
                 And who are the alleged "aides" of his, who are also culpable?
            Why should anyone trust assertions by mainstream media,
                                                                        their Hollywoodesque accusers?
And doesn't this shifty rhetoric look strategically planted
              to discuss and coordinate

                what will be reported nationwide

                                     for all to see and for how it will likely be viewed

                                                so the public knows exactly who they can trust?

Saturday, May 2, 2020


This great mystery
I have been allowed to know 
this sublimely incalculable figure
Its stability
its practicality
it's inviting me

It's attentive
to detail
to simplicity 
to order

This glass
is stunning
in time
in motion
every minute of every hour

Once molten
and now cool
its pair of bulbs
connected vertically
by a slender, toned neck
teasing with perfection

Everything has its place
with it
no batteries are needed
all it asks for
is a little guidance
a turn over here 
a turn over there

Its gentle, steady, reliable flow
from top to bottom
is beyond understanding
and most glorious
every grain
every mark
every freckle is gold
an inner alchemy of divinity

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Conversational Jonah

Jesus standing
beside your shoulder
beside your furtive glance
God is with you
like a toothache

without what
would make you feel
vulnerable, exposed
testing and training your let go muscles

what in your life
would you feel
humbled, silenced
Test and train
your let go muscles

I wish my voice was better
I never smoked
I was a better father of my first two
I wasn't pale and freckled
I could be more generous

I cared more about the gospel I used to believe
I didn't have such a predictably aloof and self aggrandizing father
the coffee here was tasty
people could and would not work for money
smart phones did not emit ionizing radiation

habituated behaviors
and responses to
living on auto-pilot
characterizing the overwhelming
proportion of self

if you really know me
then you wouldn't really love me
I want you to love me
therefore I won't let you
know the real me

          Throw this guy overboard so we can enjoy conversing again.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

As the proverb goes

every time I think
of you I churn cream
like wringing your nose
as the proverb goes
just an unpleasant
petty policy
wonk high on ego


choking the life out
from those bringing gifts
your highs are too high
your lows are too low
but what do you say
to those tenured clowns
with no competence


cats they are, choking
coughing, meowing
the plagal of tone
nine with our ears plugged
with our eyes blinking
from the burning stench
of their shite bemoans


but please correct me
instead of pressing
mute on their TV
please excuse me too
I'm the one with no
ability to
regulate volume


please forgive me
oh gracious master
who cares so much for
the sheep of his flock
who tends to their needs
and does not call them


oh listen kindly
you who think highly
of his innocence
and benevolence
oh good and kind lord
bring some recompense
to this narcissist


stop being such a
goddamn curmudgeon
senile introvert
incompetent prig
passive aggressive
snob who loathes children
as the proverb goes


Saturday, April 25, 2020


Thousands of them crowd together
Most are not wearing masks or keeping at least six feet apart
In defiance of the Governor’s orders

Some people are carrying long guns to this “stay at home” protest
We know who’s hoarding all of the toilet paper

Covid-19 overwhelms hospitals
In overwhelmed hospitals, people die
You can save lives too. Please go home

I’m proud that in my state there was such a small turnout
I hope they all get sick and die

It truly feels like a gut punch moment where no matter what we do, there’s a minority
determined to make sure millions of people die

We are in the middle of a pandemic
These people disgust me

Your haircut is not more important than people’s lives
If you’re participating in these protests, you’re part of the problem

Lockdown effects me and my life, so I go to Madison to protest mean bad Evers
I’m a moron who should die

You know how they use helicopters to drop water on forest fires?
Trump said that bleach kills the virus, and this is way deadlier than a forest fire
I wish we could blast each of these fuck faces to the moon

It’s like a where’s waldo for idiots
Lots of MAGA, camo, and guns

Spot the trump impersonator
No social distancing. No masks
These people are absolutely nuts but whateves

Saturday, April 18, 2020

ZOOM Carefully

It’s very strange out there
The quarantine is confounding us all
So don’t dwell on conspiracy theories
Watch what is trending
Focus on the facts and data
As they extend each governing ordinance
One more month
One more phase
Before phase two
To reopen
For business

Social distancing is working
Not touching your face will bring relief
Wearing a mask will mitigate the communication of disease
Hand sanitizers are working
Curbside pickup is helping
We can see that the curve is flattening

Begin at the center
ZOOM carefully
Pay attention to the structure
Like a rorschach technique
The Chiasmus unfolds the synchysis
Pay attention to the pattern
ZOOM carefully
Work your way out

Beyond the aetherband
Miracle unicorn juice in the making
While microbreweries are converting
While RT-PCR tests confirm that people in general are fools
And so will each check signed by the POTUS
While normality is live streaming

To maintain the right proportion of serfdom
For monitoring who will stay at home
We all need another extension
And as many more as are needed
And many more are needed
To prepare us all for immunization
From the virus in one host to another
Infecting our minds and futures
Distorting what is reported
To stabilize the strategized reflation
Beyond the fourth wall

Sunday, April 12, 2020


In the end was the Death
and the Death was alongside those not seen
and the Death was a god
He was alongside the Most High God in the end
Some things were appointed to him
and without him nothing unseen could be appointed
What was appointed to him was dead
and those dead awaited vindication
Their vindication was in being raised
and being raised
Death and Hades are needed no more
There was a man sent from the Most High God
whose name is Jesus
He came for his martyrs who bore witness for vindication
that all might be loyal to him
He was the judge and he came to witness their judgment
The final judgment that vindicates the dead provides eternal life for the many
He was among the many
and the many were appointed through him
and the many knew him
He descended to his own
and his own gladly received him
But to all who did not receive him
who were not loyal to his name
he declared them to be destroyed
who were born mortal and not of the Most High God
And the Death became perdition
and was thrown into the Lake with Hades
where those not seen are stripped of glory
the one-of-a-kind garments which their father grasped after
full of majesty and authority
Jesus witnessed to the last enemy and cried out
Where is your sting?
Where is your victory?
For the fullness of life his martyrs lived
The rest received one stone upon another
For the curse of the Torah was declared through the dead
But mercy and eternal life through Jesus of Nazareth
No one had ever been raised from the Death to the Most High
Death robbed them of their wedding garments
so they would not enter into glory
Jesus made this known